Tap Into
Deeper Devotion

Transform your spiritual journey

with Faith Forward's personalized experiences.

Daily guidance and inspiration

New content every day, plus the ability to get personalized devotionals, prayers,  and more at any time. 

Direct, engaging, and encouraging. I really love being able to answer the question based on my current situation/feeling and then be directed to the Bible verse that refers back to my answer. Makes my search direct and easy. Plus, I'm encouraged and uplifted by the word pertaining to my current state. I would highly recommend!

I don't usually write reviews, but man, this app is powerful. I love the idea of using AI to help users further understand and breakdown the Bible,a nd on otp of that, create devotions. Well done! I hope this stays free and I hope more people find this app. Definitely recommending to friends, family and pastors.

Powerful Features

Powerful tools to dive deeper

An incredible tool for exploring His Word

Personalized For You

Custom devotions, prayers and more

Tailor devotions and prayer to your specific circumstances


Explore the Bible in new ways

Read, listen, and dive into deeper analysis 


Daily scripture

So much content to explore, enjoy, learn, and get inspired from every single day. 

  • Devotionals, prayer, and questions
  • Verse of the Day
  • Sermons - audio and video
  • Content created by your church

Connect with your church

Your church can use Faith Forward to publish sermons, videos, blogs, and more. And all of that content will be available to explore directly in the app. 

And connect with other members or individuals within or outside of your congregation.